Dayton Blower 131CFM 2860RPM 115volts 60/50hz (2C610, 4C442) 1TDP5

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Mfgr Model 7021-3467, Fasco Equivilent 50752-D500; Wheel Width 1 7/8 Inches, Inlet Diameter 3 1/8 Inches; 4C442 discontinued, this is the replacement

Dayton Blower 131CFM 2860RPM 115volts 60/50hz (2C610, 4C442) 1TDP5

Product By : Dayton

Dayton Blower 131CFM 2860RPM 115volts 60/50hz (2C610, 4C442) 1TDP5


  • Non Reversible - Blower has no power cord or switch
  • Mounting - All Position; Permanent Split Capacitor
  • Automatic Overload Protection
  • .65 amps @ 115 Volts 60/50hz.
  • One Year Manufacture Warranty
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