Knurling tool holder w/ knurls

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Knurling tool holder w/ knurls

Product By : Sherline

Knurling tool holder w/ knurls . Knurling can be used to provide a decorative and easy to grip surface on handles or knobs. It can also be used to upset the metal on a shaft to make for a tight press fit. In the knurling process, metal is squeezed to make grooves, which raises the surrounding metal. If straight knurls are used, a straight line pattern of splines is achieved. If spiral knurls are used a diamond cross-hatched pattern is created. Unlike bump knurl tools used on larger tools that are simply pushed into the part from one side, this holder uses two opposing knurl wheels which are tightened against each other from opposite sides of the part. This eliminates side forces on the part and makes it possible to do knurling on a fairly light-duty machine. A set of 30° spiral knurls is included with the holder, and additional sets of straight and spiral knurls are available in different thread counts as an option. (See the section on cutting tools.) Designed for use with Sherline tools only.

  • Used to create straight or diamond knurl patterns in round parts
  • Used to achieve press fits on shafts or create a grip pattern on knobs, dials or adjusters
  • Two round knurling dies are squeezed against part by adjusting two bolts
  • Allows high knurling forces without putting stress on machine
  • Includes one set of 30° spiral (diamond pattern) knurls. Others available
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