DBI Sala Shockwave 2 Stretch Lanyard

Searching for the best DBI Sala Shockwave 2 Stretch Lanyard; Congratulations! Check the specifications, features and feedback from customer feedback include price controls and information more satisfactory DBI Sala Shockwave 2 Stretch Lanyard product reviews!

Our ShockWave2â"¢ shock absorbing lanyards are stretchable for complete freedom of movement. There is certain to be a model that will meet your fall arrest requirements from this innovative product line. The ShockWave2â"¢ incorporates a unique inner core that immediately begins to extend and absorb energy during a fall, limiting arresting forces to no more than 900 lbs. . .

DBI Sala Shockwave 2 Stretch Lanyard

Product By : DBI-Sala

DBI Sala Shockwave 2 Stretch Lanyard


  • 100% Tie-Off, Tubular
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