Armstrong Furnace Blower Control Circuit Board (# R40403-003) .
Armstrong Furnace Blower Control Circuit Board (# R40403-003)?The Armstrong R40403-003 blower control replaces all 40403-001, 40403-002 and ST9120A, B or C blower controls. The R40403-003 blower control provides outputs for a 2 speed indoor blower motor and single speed inducer motor. The control receives inputs from the thermostat (W, Y, and G), pressure switch, and high temperature limit switches. The control also provides user selectable blower delays through dip switch settings. The 24 volt circuit of this control is protected by a 5 amp replaceable automotive type fuse. FITS: EG7H100DC20-1, EG6G50DC8-4, EG6G75DC8-4, EG6G75DC10-4, EG6G100DC12-4, EG6G100DC20-4, EG6G125DC12-4, EG6G125DC20-4, EG6G150DC20-4, EG6G75DC16-4, EG6G50DC14-4, EG8G50DC8-1, EG8G75DC10-1, EG8G75DC12-1, EG8G100DC14-1, EG8G100DC16-1, EG8G125DC14-1, EG8G125DC20-1, EG8G150DC20-1, EG8G50DC14-1, EG8G100DC20-1, EG8G75DC16-1, EG8G50DC8-2, EG8G75DC12-2, EG8G100DC14-2, EG8G125DC14-2, EG8G50DC14-2, EG7G50DC8-1, EG7G75DC10-1, EG7G100DC14-1, EG7G100DC16-1, EG7G125DC20-1, EG7G150DC20-1, EG5G100DC12-1, EG5G125DC16-1, EG5G150DC20-1, EG5G75DC12-1, EG6H40DC8-1, EG6H40DC14-1, EG6H60DC8-1, EG6H60DC14-1, EG6H80DC14-1, EG6H80DC20-1, EG6H100DC20-1, EDG6H40DC8-1, EDG6H60DC8-1, EDG6H60DC14-1, EDG6H80DC14-1, EDG6H100DC20-1, EG7H40DC12-1, EG7H60DC14-1, EG7H80DC16-1, EG7H100DC20-1, GUJ050D10-1, GUJ075D10-1, GUJ075D14-1, GUJ100D12-1, GUJ100D14-1, GUJ100D20-1, GUJ125D14-1, GUJ125D20-1, GUJ150D20-1, GUJ075D09-1, GUJ050D10L-1, GUJ075D10L-1, GUJ075D14L-1, GUJ100D12L-1, GUJ100D14L-1, GUJ100D20L-1, GUJ125D14L-1, GUJ125D20L-1, GUJ150D20L-1, GUJ075D09L-1, GUJ050D10-2, GUJ075D10-2, GUJ075D14-2, GUJ100D12-2, GUJ100D14-2, GUJ100D20-2, GUJ125D14-2, GUJ125D20-2, GUJ150D20-2, GUJ075D09-2, GUJ050D10L-2, GUJ075D10L-2, GUJ075D14L-2, GUJ100D12L-2, GUJ100D14L-2, GUJ100D20L-2, GUJ125D14L-2, GUJ125D20L-2, GUJ150D20L-2, GUJ075D09L-2, GUJ050D10-3, GUJ075D10-3, GUJ075D14-3, GUJ100D12-3, GUJ100D14-3, GUJ100D20-3, GUJ125D14-3, GUJ125D20-3, GUJ150D20-3, GUJ075D09-3, GUJ050D10L-3 and many more models.
Armstrong Furnace Blower Control Circuit Board (# R40403-003)?
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