Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls

Looking for Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls Great Deals, Online shopping, Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls

Pipe penetrations from water, sewer and gas pipes in basement walls create a common point of entry for water and dangerous soil gases in a basement. Also, they can be a potential health hazard. The reason many of them leak is because they are typically sealed with a temporary patch during the construction of the home. This patch usually fails and is rarely air tight. Over time, water leaks into your basement. This water can cause damage to property and begin generating toxic black mold. Along with water, the pipe penetration will also allow in soil gases like radon. According to the E.P.A. Radon is number one cause of cancer in non-smoking Americans.

This Pipe Penetration Kit with Emecole 120 Polyurethane Foam allows you to seal 1 to 2 penetrations from the interior by injecting Emecole 120 Polyurethane Foam around the penetration to form a water and gas tight seal.

Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls
Product By : Emecole

Pipe Penetration Repair Kit for Foundation Walls #.

  • Fix leaks from water, sewer and gas pipes in foundation walls.
  • This kit forms a seal to keep out soil gases, water and bugs around pipes.
  • Easy to use. Instructional video included.
  • Leaky walls from pipe penetrations are fixed in about an hour.
  • Contractor grade materials.
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