Looking for Emergency Garden Seeds Great Deals, Online shopping, Emergency Garden Seeds Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Emergency Garden Seeds Premium Quality Non Hybrid Seeds. Enough seed of each variety to plant about a 50 foot row of each. These varieties have been recommended by Utah State University for short season climates, with excellent adaptability for most regions. The seeds have been sealed in pouches, by variety, and are packaged in a gallon pail with a planting guide. Your unopened seed pouches should store for five years or more depending on storage temperature. The seeds have been carefully dried to their optimum moisture content to increase their storage life. This is an ideal component of an Emergency and Preparedness Storage supply.
Bucket includes: Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam, 4 oz Peas, Lincoln, 12 oz Radish, Champion, 14 g Onion, Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish, 14 g Beet, Detroit Dark Red, 1 oz Tomato, Rutgers VF, 3.5 g Eggplant, Black Beauty, 3.5 g Kohlrabi, Purple Vienna, 3.5 g Spinach, Bloomsdale Longstanding, 1 oz Cabbage, Golden Acre, 7 g Swiss Chard, Lucullus, 14 g Lettuce, Romaine Paris Island Cos, 7 g Lettuce, Buttercrunch, 7 g Carrot, Scarlet Nantes, 14 g Broccoli, Waltham 29, 7 g Pepper, Jalapeno, 7 g Pepper, Yolo Wonder, 7 g Cucumber, Marketmore 76, 7 g Pole Bean, Kentucky Wonder Brown, 5 oz Squash Zucchini, Black Beauty, 14 g Summer Squash, Crookneck, 14 g Winter Squash, Green Hubbard, 14 g Winter Squash, Vegetable Spaghetti, 14 g ![](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31Di88qWVgL._SL160_.jpg) | Emergency Garden Seeds
Product By : Food For Health | Emergency Garden Seeds #. Features100% Non-Hybrid Seeds; Non-GMO23 popular easy to grow garden vegetablesSeeds dried to optimum moisture content for long term storageAll seed packets sealed in an air tight, re-sealable gallon bucketCan produce a 1 acre garden; 23 jumbo sized seed packets; Complete gardening-made-easy instruction guide includedA few tips • If you are interested in buying Emergency Garden Seeds You can try to find a complete and detailed description. • Reading reviews will give you a more complete understanding of the pros and cons of the product you need. • You can find a comparable selection of items to purchase, and sometimes it helps. • You can try to find and show discussions. • Look at the details of delivery and information for each product. • You can find the product characteristics. • In general, as far as I know customers who purchased Emergency Garden Seeds or other products on the Internet also was interested in the reviews, the cheapest and lowest prices for vehicles and stores, shipping, gift ideas, city deals, sales, coupons online, new, recreational and daily deals, deals, most including the purchase of special offers on Emergency Garden Seeds, best deals, discount coupons, and hot deals in return, great offers, last minute deals, etc. ...For more information |
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