Milling vise

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Milling vise

Product By : Sherline

Milling vise . The easiest way to hold small parts for milling is in a vise. This vise differs from an inexpensive drill press vise in several ways. It is accurately machined square so that it can be aligned using an indicator. It has a pull-down jaw that holds the part not only from the side but also with a downward force to resist the lifting action of the end mill. It has two replaceable steel jaws. The forward jaw has grooves both parallel and perpendicular to the table for holding round stock. The jaws open to hold a maximum size stock of about 1-1/2. Two angle clamps, T-nuts and hold-down screws are included. Designed for use on Sherline mills but could be used on other machines by using different size hold-down bolts and t-nuts.

  • 2" wide jaws open to accommodate parts up to 1.5" thick
  • Side faces machined to be parallel or perpendicular to jaw faces for alignment purposes
  • Pull-down design keeps parts from being lifted during milling
  • Replaceable steel jaws grooved to help hold round parts
  • Includes 2 angle clamps, hold-down screws and T-nuts
  • Many instructions
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