ExtremeBeam Flashlight CR123 Charging Kit (One 120-240V CR123 Charger, 4 CR123 Lithium batteries, Auto/Car Adapter)

ExtremeBeam Flashlight CR123 Charging Kit (One 120-240V CR123 Charger, 4 CR123 Lithium batteries, Auto/Car Adapter)

#Anti-Recoil with Gold-Plated Guts. "Built to be the toughest most overbuilt Combat-Ready, Weapon-Mountable, Shock-Proof Recoil-Resistant Super-TAC light ever used by any soldier in any combat situation anywhere in the world!"

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ExtremeBeam Flashlight CR123 Charging Kit (One 120-240V CR123 Charger, 4 CR123 Lithium batteries, Auto/Car Adapter) .

  • Works with SX21, SX21R, S.A.R.5, S.A.R.7, And ALL XT8 Models.
  • ExtremeBeam is the most efficient Super-High Performance Military Tactical light lines manufactured
  • Save money and time by using ExtremeBeam rechargeable Lithium CR123 Batteries
  • They snap on tight, are low profile, and won't weigh you down.
  • Flashlight doesn't include.
  • ExtremeBeam Flashlight CR123 Charging Kit (One 120-240V CR123 Charger, 4 CR123 Lithium batteries, Auto/Car Adapter)?

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