PORTER CABLE Factory Reconditione

Searching for the best PORTER CABLE Factory Reconditione; Congratulations! Check the specifications, features and feedback from customer feedback include price controls and information more satisfactory PORTER CABLE Factory Reconditione product reviews!

The PORTER-CABLEƂ Factory Reconditioned 18 V lithium drill kit features specifications that allow the user to focus on a variety of drilling applications without worrying about the quality or durability of the tool. At a lightweight 3.8 Lbs., this tool is ideal even for large, repetitive jobs. A compact 8-1/2 In. length makes the drill easy to use in tight spaces and ensures easy transport. Accuracy and versatility are maximized with a 2 speed gearbox for drilling and driving, and an integrated LED work light on the drill illuminates darkened work areas, so you can work with confidence on any jobsite.

PORTER CABLE Factory Reconditione

Product By : Porter-Cable

PORTER CABLE Factory Reconditione



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